Southwest Texas State University
Computer and Network Support Services

Configuring Windows 95 Dial-Up Internet Access for UT/Telesys
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This information was originally obtained from Bob Cerelli's Windows-95 Page

Initial Requirements

To use UT/Telesys as your ISP (internet service provider), you need to have a valid UT/Telesys account and password.

Adding the Dial-Up Adapter

Checking for the Dial-Up Adapter 
1. Double click on My Computer, make sure you have a Dial-Up Networking icon. 
2. If you already have one installed, go to the bottom on this page and click on Adding and Configuring the TCP/IP Protocol 
3. If not, continue to the next section, Adding the Dial-Up Adapter
Adding the Dial-Up Adapter 
1. Double Click on the Control Panel
2. Double Click on Add/Remove Programs
3. Click on the Windows Setup tab at the top
4. Double click on Communications
5. Select Dial-Up Networking (mark it with a check)
6. Click on the OK button
7. Reboot if requested

Go to the next section:

Adding and Configuring the TCP/IP Protocol

| SWT | Computing Services | comments |
March 16, 1999