Southwest Texas State University
Computer Network and Support Services
How to map a network drive from off campus to your PC at work

First you must share the drive at work. Then go home and create a "LMHOSTS." file in your windows 95 directory. There is a sample one in the windows directory. It is called "LMHOSTS.SAM". It documents the format of the file. Basically put the IP address of the PC at work at the beginning of the line, then a space and the computer name (under network properties) of the PC at work, then a space and "#PRE". Here is an example computername #PRE

Next make your dialup networking connection and then right click on my computer and choose map network drive. and pick a drive letter, then specify \\computername\sharename where computer name is the name of the PC at work and share name is the name of the share created on the PC at work.

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May 8,1998